Panadvert receives the Golden Award in Tourism Awards 2015

The Golden Award is given in respect to the “Advertising Campaign through Google Adwords’ for Louis Hotels in the fields of Branding, Public Relations & People Strategy.

Athens, 17 March 2015: Panadvert won the Golden Award in the Awards Ceremony of the Tourism Awards 2015, organized by Boussias Communications, under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and EOT. The Tourism Awards aim to highlight excellence and innovation in the fields of Travel, Hospitality & Leisure.

More specifically, Panadvert was awarded the Golden Award (Gold) in Branding, Public Relations & People Strategy concerning the Advertising Campaign through Google Adwords. The nominees were evaluated by renowned personalities, internationally respected academics, successful practitioners and famous business consultants.

According to the judging committee, “Panadvert’s top online advertising practices through Google Adwords platform, applied to Louis Hotels Group, contribute to the international development of Greek Tourism’.


For two consecutive years Panadvert conquers a golden award in the recognized awards organized by Boussias Communications “Hotel & Restaurant’ magazine. The awards aim to highlight the optimal practices and innovative initiatives of the enterprises and the Greek Tourism bodies while the prize awarding concerns practices distinguished by the judging committee through a watertight process established by Boussias Communications “Hotel & Restaurant’.

Panadvert’s managing director,Yiannis Giannatos, received the Golden Award in a special event that took place at The Athens Concert Hall Megaron. Mr. Giannatos stated: “We would like to thank Louis Hotels for entrusting us with its advertising campaign. We would also like to thank the rest of our clients, most of them being outside Greece, who made Panadvert one of the leading companies in the field of the promotion of large hotels within five years’.